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What to Expect When You Book a Documentary Photo Session | Sonoma County Photographer

Perhaps you are considering booking a documentary session, but you are curious about how the whole process works. Here is a roadmap for what you can expect from this kind of session:


When you reach out to me through my contact form, I will send you a detailed email will all of my session options and pricing. When you are ready to book, we will pick out the date that works for both of us and get you on the calendar! You'll reserve your session date with a retainer fee (the amount will depend on the session length) and a signed contract. Also at this time we will discuss why you are interested in a documentary session and what you are hoping to capture during our time together.


The great thing about these sessions is it doesn't require a whole lot of planning. You may want to have a general idea of what you would like to do that day, but nothing has to be set in stone and we'll just see where the day takes us. For shorter sessions, I do recommend choosing at least 1 to 2 activities that your family can do together. Don't stress about the activities as they are just a facilitator to capture moments and interactions between you and your family.

Prep Email

About a week before the session I will send you a email with a few final tips for our time together, and to confirm addresses, phone numbers, session time and location.

The Day Of

After my arrival at your home (or the agreed-upon location), we will do introductions and chat and get to know each other a bit. Then I’ll pull out my camera and start snapping photos while we are hanging out. The beauty of a documentary session is that it is easy, and no different from any other day, except that I happen to have a camera with me. There will be no posing, no directing, no forced smiles for the camera. Just you and your family doing your thing, while I capture those memories for you.

There will be times I'll just be hanging quietly in the background, taking it all in and there will be times will I will be interacting and chatting with you and your family.

​After Your Session

After your session, I'll get to work on hand editing your images and putting together your family’s slideshow. I will usually have your gallery ready in about 3-6 weeks, depending on the length of your session. If I feel these time frames will be different, I will let you know. Make sure you have time to really sit down and watch your slideshow and take in your gallery of photographs.

The Finished Product

When your images are complete, you have a full 30 days to download your files and purchase print products from my online store with your print credit. Products available include photographic prints, mounted prints, wall art, and lay flat albums.

Every session includes a substantial print credit so that you can get those beautiful images off your hard drive and into your hands, in the form of an album or wall art.


Kimberly Pascale is a documentary-style family photographer located in Santa Rosa, CA. If you are looking for a family photographer in the Sonoma/Napa County area to document your family or event, please contact her for more information.

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